To get the latest features and improvements on your RepOne 3D Motion Sensor, make sure to check for firmware updates.
- Visit the Settings tab of the RepOne Personal app
- Make sure you are connected to the unit you'd like to update
- In the Firmware Update card at the top of the screen, you should see the latest available version as well as the version that is installed on your device. If the available version is newer, hit the Download button to get the latest firmware.
- Once the firmware has downloaded, make sure you're still connected to your sensor and hit the Install button. The app will automatically install the firmware and restart the unit. You're up to date!
- Multiple devices to update? The firmware files will remain in your app so you don't have to download them every time, just connect to each RepOne unit you'll be updating and hit the Install button.
Issues with the firmware update process? Please send us a message at and let us know what mobile device you are using. We'll make sure to get you updated.